Elite of San Francisco


Simple Machines želi zahvaliti svima koji su pomogli da SMF 2.0 bude to što je danas, kod oblikovanja i usmjeravanja našeg projekta, u dobru i u zlu. To ne bi bilo moguće bez vas. To uključuje naše korisnike, a posebno Charter članove - hvala za instaliranje i korištenje našeg softvera, kao i pružanje vrijednih povratnih informacija, bug izvještaja, i mišljenja.


Project Management
Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen, Michele "Illori" Davis, Jessica "Suki" González, and Will "Kindred" Wagner.
Shawn Bulen, John "live627" Rayes, Oscar "Ozp" Rydhé, Aaron van Geffen, Antechinus, Bjoern "Bloc" Kristiansen, Brad "IchBin™" Grow, Colin Schoen, emanuele, Hendrik Jan "Compuart" Visser, Jessica "Suki" González, Jon "Sesquipedalian" Stovell, Juan "JayBachatero" Hernandez, Karl "RegularExpression" Benson, Matthew "Labradoodle-360" Kerle, Grudge, Michael "Oldiesmann" Eshom, Michael "Thantos" Miller, Norv, Peter "Arantor" Spicer, Selman "[SiNaN]" Eser, Shitiz "Dragooon" Garg, Theodore "Orstio" Hildebrandt, Thorsten "TE" Eurich, and winrules.
Stručnjaci za podršku
Will "Kindred" Wagner, Doug Heffernan, lurkalot, Steve, Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen, br360, GigaWatt, ziycon, Adam Tallon, Bigguy, Bruno "margarett" Alves, CapadY, ChalkCat, Chas Large, Duncan85, gbsothere, JimM, Justyne, Kat, Kevin "greyknight17" Hou, Krash, Mashby, Michael Colin Blaber, Old Fossil, S-Ace, shadav, Storman™, Wade "sησω" Poulsen, and xenovanis.
Prilagoditelji (Customizers)
Diego Andrés, GL700Wing, Johnnie "TwitchisMental" Ballew, Jonathan "vbgamer45" Valentin, Sami "SychO" Mazouz, Brannon "B" Hall, Gary M. Gadsdon, Jack "akabugeyes" Thorsen, Jason "JBlaze" Clemons, Joey "Tyrsson" Smith, Kays, Michael "Mick." Gomez, NanoSector, Ricky., Russell "NEND" Najar, and SA™.
Pisci dokumentacije
Michele "Illori" Davis, Irisado, AngelinaBelle, Chainy, Graeme Spence, and Joshua "groundup" Dickerson.
Nikola "Dzonny" Novaković, m4z, Francisco "d3vcho" Domínguez, Robert Monden, and Relyana.
Adish "(F.L.A.M.E.R)" Patel, Bryan "Runic" Deakin, Marcus "cσσкιє мσηѕтєя" Forsberg, and Ralph "[n3rve]" Otowo.
Administratori Stranice
Jeremy "SleePy" Darwood.
Administratori Servera
Derek Schwab, Michael Johnson, and Liroy van Hoewijk.

Posebne Zahvale

Konzultantski developeri
albertlast, Brett Flannigan, Mark Rose, René-Gilles "Nao 尚" Deberdt, tinoest, and everyone who contributed on GitHub.
Beta Testeri
The invaluable few who tirelessly find bugs, provide feedback, and drive the developers crazier.
Prevoditelji Jezika
Thank you for your efforts which make it possible for people all around the world to use SMF.
Osnivač SMF-a
Unknown W. "[Unknown]" Brackets.
Izvorni voditelji projekta
Jeff Lewis, Joseph Fung, and David Recordon.
In loving memory of
Crip, K@, metallica48423, and Paul_Pauline.

I za sve koje smo možda propustili, hvala Vam!


Fugue Icons | © 2012 Yusuke Kamiyamane | These icons are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
Oxygen Icons | These icons are licensed under GNU LGPLv3
JQuery | © John Resig | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
hoverIntent | © Brian Cherne | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
SCEditor | © Sam Clarke | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
animaDrag | © Abel Mohler | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
jQuery Custom Scrollbar | © Maciej Zubala | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
jQuery Responsive Slider | © booncon ROCKETS | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
At.js | © [email protected] | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
HTML5 Desktop Notifications | © Tsvetan Tsvetkov | Licensed under The Apache License Version 2.0
GAuth Code Generator/Validator | © Chris Cornutt | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
Dropzone.js | © Matias Meno | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
Minify | © Matthias Mullie | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
PHP-Punycode | © True B.V. | Licensed under The MIT License (MIT)
Anonymous Pro | © 2009 | This font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
ConsolaMono | © 2012 | This font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
Phennig | © 2009-2012 | This font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1

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